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AKITA JALT meetings in 2005
picture album page 2 of 2005


Guest speaker: Thomas Warren-Price
Date: Saturday, April 23rd, 2005
Title: DYSLEXIA: I've heard of it. But what really is it?
Place: AIU (Akita International University)
Room: D-201, the second floor room in the AIU library

13 people attended the meeting.
Chapter Report
(to be printed in The Language Teacher)
Guest speaker: Thomas Warren-Price
AKITA - April 2005 -DYSLEXIA: I've Heard of It, But What Is It Really?-Thomas Warren-Price. Dyslexia and Language Learning. Dyslexia is a condition that affects people from all educational and social backgrounds. Discovered and acted upon early enough, dyslexia can significantly alter the way we teach or learn. Mr. Warren-Price, a teacher at Sendai Ikuei Gakuen High School and a dyslexic himself, gave a lively presentation using the OHP to give the audience a comprehensive view of the subject.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder not a disease, and the presentation began with a display of famous dyslexics. Then he went on to show how no two dyslexics are the same, which he illustrated by showing the sample testing scores of various students. The audience was given hands-on experience of being dyslexic in various ways, including map drawing and trying to spell unfamiliar words while writing with the opposite hand with distractions. An explanation of how to detect the signs of dyslexia in students was quite beneficial for teachers. The talk ended with a spirited question and answer period from the enthusiastic audience.

Reported by Stephen Shucart

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